Individual Taxpayer Declaration
These notes should be read carefully by each person signing an income tax return, in light of their knowledge of their own affairs, to ensure there are no inaccuracies in the tax return.
True & Full Disclosure
To ensure the correctness of each income tax return, you need to ensure that:
- Income from all sources has been disclosed;
- All deductions claimed can be justified;
- All deductions claimed for work, car and travel expenses can be substantiated by the required records and receipts;
- All statements are correct and complete
Capital Gains and Overseas Income
Every sale of property, of any descriptions, should be considered for the possible application of both tax and capital gains tax.
Therefore, please note carefully the tax return questions concerning the sale of property, income derived from overseas sources and property located overseas.
Generally, the worldwide income of Australian resident taxpayers is taxable in Australia with a credit allowed for the income tax paid in a foreign country on that income.
Substantiation of Work, Car and Travel Costs
Please advise if you would like us to provide you with details of the requirements to keep records and receipts to substantiate any deductions claimed for work, care and travel expenses. Where claims have been made in your return for any of these expenses, you need to clearly understand the substantiation requirements before signing the Declaration included on the front cover of your return. You should resolve any doubts you have before signing the declaration.
False and Misleading Statements
If an answer to a question or any statement made in an income tax return, or an attached schedule, appears to be incorrect, incomplete or misleading, please provide the information needed to amend the return.
Penalties may be imposed in an assessment for an incorrect return under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and/or the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for up to double the amount of additional income tax subsequently assessed. These penalties may apply even if the error was made innocently. Alternatively, in more serious case, prosecutions may be instituted under the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and fines imposed by the Courts, if convicted.
Self Assessment
These considerations assume greater significance now that the Australian Taxation Office is placing increasing reliance upon self-assessment by taxpayers. The issue and payment of assessment does not imply the tax liability for the year has been finalised. Consequently, a greater onus is placed on taxpayers to ensure that income tax returns are accurately prepared and contain no misleading statements or information. All taxpayers may expect some attention from the Australian Taxation Office about their past taxation affairs. The penalty for any errors and omissions detected at that time may assume large proportions, if several years have passed since the income tax return was lodged and assessed.
Acceptance of Taxpayer Declaration
Clients acknowledge that acceptance of the taxpayer confirmation via digital or handwritten signature, or via approval and signature of income tax return.